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Welcome to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Hello and welcome to Bradford Teaching Hospitals Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

This leaflet is designed to provide you with some information that you may find useful whilst your baby is on the NICU.

As a parent or carer to a baby on the NICU, you are partners in care and not a visitor. This means that we welcome you, day and night. Your nurse will inform you of the current visiting guidance but if you are unsure then please ask a member of our team.

We ask that you wash your hands on entry and regularly use the hand gel at your baby’s incubator/cot side. Please let your visitors know the importance of this.

We have lockers at the entrance of the NICU for your outdoor coats and bags.

If you are unwell, please let us know and we can advise you appropriately.

Yorkshire and Humber Neonatal Operational Delivery Network (ODN)

Bradford is part of the Yorkshire and Humber ODN and we have close links with Airedale and Calderdale Neonatal Units.

We are usually able to provide care for babies born to Bradford residents, but babies who need care from specialist surgeons sometimes need to be transferred to other hospitals, usually Leeds or Sheffield.

As part of our work with the Network, we have babies from outside Bradford, so that their babies can receive intensive care which their local hospital may not be able to provide. At times, we may need to transfer babies who do not need intensive care to smaller hospitals such as Airedale or Calderdale. If this applies to your baby, we will prepare you for the transfer which is usually performed by Embrace, the Yorkshire and Humber Infant and Children’s Transport Team.

Ward Round

Your baby will be seen daily by the medical team. Ward round starts from 9.00am.

We encourage all parents and carers to participate in ward rounds. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions about your baby’s care and to share your thoughts with the team. There is also a brief ward round at 5.00pm and at 9.00pm.


On the NICU we have:

  • one accessible toilet with baby changing facilities

  • a family room

  • a kitchen where you can make hot drinks and store food

We ask that you label any food you bring to store in the kitchen and that hot drinks are in a covered cup if you take your hot drink in to the nurseries.

The kitchen has a microwave and a fridge which you can use. There are often fresh sandwiches stored in the fridge and dried foods such as cereals and soup available in the cupboard. Meals can be provided for parents and carers who are with their babies for long periods of the day, please speak to a nurse to arrange this for you. You can eat in the family room or kitchen.

Mums who are expressing or breastfeeding and are spending all/most of the day can attend Ward M3 at mealtimes (lunchtime at 12.00noon and evening meal at 5.00pm).

Deli Marche is located on the ground floor of the Women and Newborn Unit. They offer a small selection of hot food and drinks. They are open Monday to Friday from 8.00am until 5.00pm.

You can also visit the main hospital concourse, which is a short walk from the Women and Newborn Unit. This area offers a larger selection of food options, with Costa Coffee, M&S Food Hall, Lifestyle Restaurant and Amigos (newsagent).


We have four parent/carer bedrooms, all with ensuite facilities:

  • two on the NICU
  • one on M3, level 4, Women and Newborn building
  • one on M4, level 5, Women and Newborn building

We understand that a lot of parents and carers would like to remain resident whilst their baby is in hospital, however our bedrooms do have to be prioritised for out of area parents or those coming in to stay with their baby prior to discharge. You are welcome to sleep at the cot side, in a reclining chair.

Photographs and mobile phones

Please feel free to take lots of photographs of your baby. You are more than welcome to use your mobile phone to take pictures however please respect other visitors privacy and also keep noise levels to a minimum.

Ask your baby’s nurse about our digital camera which allows us to print photos. If you would like to get creative, ask about our crafts trolley.

Contact us

The main number for the NICU reception is 01274 364523.

You will also be supplied with the direct number to your baby’s nursery. This number is just for parents and carers and should not be shared. Please feel free to ring at any time for an update on your baby’s care.

When you call we will ask you for your baby’s hospital number (given on admission) before updating you over the telephone. We cannot give any information to other family members.

People with hearing and speech difficulties - You can contact us using the Relay UK app. Textphone users will need to dial 18001 before the number to be contacted.

Facebook & Twitter

Please follow our Facebook “Bradford Neonatal Service” and our Twitter:


We post updates, advice and some ex-families like to keep us updated after discharge from the NICU.

Accessible Information

If you need this information in another format or language and are in the hospital, please ask a member of staff. If you are accessing this leaflet online or on your phone you can see our Google Translate automated guidance on the Digital Patient Information Hub home screen.

People with hearing and speech difficulties

You can contact us using the Relay UK app. Textphone users will need to dial 18001 ahead of the number to be contacted.


Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is a smoke-free organisation. You are not permitted to smoke or in use e-cigarettes in any of the hospital buildings or grounds.

Published by
, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane, Bradford BD9 6RJ.

Date of publication: Nov 2024
Review Date: Nov 2026
MID Ref: 24101104